• All-Centennial Team

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    Stanley Cup Champs

    These Rumours are Killing Me

    Figured this fit what most NHL fans are feeling

    Masshole Sports wrote a blog about a man named Gareth Chalmers. Chalmers is the founder and an agent for 9GC Group, a European Sports Agency.
    As you can see from his twitter page, he states that he's heard NHL players have been told to report back within the week. Also, he states that European clubs have already started looking for replacements.
    Now, we all remember the Steve Burton fella who said that the lock out was going to end last week, and we all know how that turned out. So, in conclusion, I don't believe this guy Chalmers. I'll take this news with a grain of salt and wait til I hear bigger, more credible sources. In the meantime I guess we can watch basketball or football, and hopefully they get their heads out of their asses and we can start to watch the B's after New Years.