• All-Centennial Team

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    Stanley Cup Champs

    Eastern Conference Finals Schedule Released

            The official schedule for the Eastern Conference Finals between the Bruins and the Penguins has been announced, with Game 1 on Saturday, June 1st. All Games will be broadcast on NBC Sports Network, with the exception of Game 1, which will be broadcast on NBC. Here's the schedule for the Finals.

    Game 1: June 1st (Sat.) - 8 pm. in Pitt. *
    Game 2: June 3rd (Mon.) - 8 pm. in Pitt.
    Game 3: June 5th (Wed.) - 8 pm. in Bos.
    Game 4: June 7th (Fri) - 8 pm. in Bos.
    Game 5: June 9th (Sun.) - 8 pm. in Pitt **
    Game 6: June 11th (Tue.) - 8 pm. in Bos. **
    Game 7:  June 12th (Wed.) - 8 pm. in Pitt **

    *- Broadcast on NBC, not NBC Sports
    **- If Necessary

    Go B's!!!!

    Works Cited
    Cole, Mike. "NESN." NESNcom. N.p., 29 May 2013. Web. 29 May 2013.
    "Kims Calendars." Kims Calendars. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 May 2013.