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    Stanley Cup Champs

    Shawn Thornton's hearing: What to expect

    Photo via thehockeydaily.com
         Shawn Thornton's hearing, which has been a much anticipated event, was scheduled to occur today. A lot of people are holding strong to a lot of different opinions about how many games Thorty should be suspended for, but nobody's too clear as to what he will be given. That being said, many people believe that Thornton will find himself facing about a 10 game suspension, following his in-person hearing, which began at 1 pm.

         There's no doubt this suspension will be on the longer side of things, but it could be worse. Thornton's held on to a clean slate for eleven years in the National Hockey League prior to the incident, which is a pretty impressive feat considering his role. This will undoubtedly  be taken into consideration by Brendan Shanahan, the NHL Director of Player Safety.

        Meanwhile, Brooks Orpik skated this morning for the Pens (in practice), along side other injured players who are who are healing from injuries. This is a very encouraging sign for Orpik, considering some of the speculations that were made after last Saturday's game.

         Thornton's previously clean record, alongside Orpik's quick recovery are the factors bringing this suspension down to ten games (had this been John Scott, it would have been a much different story).
         Shawn has already missed three games since the incident, and you can be sure that he is very disappointed that he won't be allowed to lace 'em up when the Bruins look to continue their four game win streak against the Canucks this Saturday.

    Follow Cam Hasbrouck on Twitter @CamHasbrouck and Bruins Life @BruinsLife


    Peters, Chris. "Brooks Orpik Resumes Skating as Shawn Thornton's Hearing Looms." CBSSports.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/24374253/brooks-orpik-resumes-skating-as-shawn-thorntons-hearing-looms>.
    Haggerty, Joe. "Orpik Skates; Thornton Slated for 1 P.m. Hearing." CSNNE.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <http://www.csnne.com/blog/bruins-talk/orpik-skates-thornton-slated-1-pm-hearing?p=ya5nbcs&ocid=yahoo>.