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    Stanley Cup Champs

    The Bruins and Andrew Ference, together at last

    Photo via Bruins Twitter
    Scott Levesque (@scottlevesque)
    Online Content Editor

    I think it's safe to say that the majority of Bruins fans felt a small piece of their heart wither and die the day Andrew Ference was told he would no longer be wearing the Black and Gold.

    Team Pooh would forever lose a pillar of that 2012-2013 Boston Bruins team, and replacing Ferknuckle would be next to impossible.

    I mean how do you replace a guy whose tats alone provided a number of Bruins players unheralded superpowers.

    Ah, It seems like only yesterday when Ference was on the ice and... GEEZ! Snap out of it, man!

    Anyways, this Thursday the Bruins will reunite with the fun-loving defenseman but this time Ferknuckle will be donning a new jersey. One that represents far less to his former colleagues then the previous.

    Oh well... You can't always win in life can you, Slewban?