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    Stanley Cup Champs

    Does Chris Bourque belong on the power play?

    Chris Bourque the son of Bruins great Raymond Bourque has been a hot topic for the B’s this year. Everyone is going on and on about how good he looks and how he’s ready to play in the NHL and how it’s so great to see Ray’s son in black and gold but I’m just not sold on him.

    He’s looked okay for the first couple games but let’s not forget he’s played 32 games for Providence and realistically is in mid-season form. In those games he had 8 goals and 20 assists. Those numbers are good but it’s the AHL not the NHL. Once the rest of the league gets back into form I think Bourque’s ice time will decrease and he could end up riding some pine.  

    He’s an undersized winger at 5’7 175 pounds and could have trouble in the corner battling NHL defensemen. I feel like Claude is just working him into the power play right now because of the ice time he’s seen this year with the baby Bruins. Don’t get me wrong I think he’s a hard worker that can pass the puck but his skills just aren't good enough for the power play.

    It’s hard for B’s fans not to get excited about him because of where he comes from and who his father is but let me ask you this; If he wasn't Ray’s son and just another guy trying to grind his way out of the minors would anybody really care? I didn't think so.

    Also I hope Monday was his last shootout attempt. I mean come on Claude. You got a chance to get an extra point in a game and you pencil in Bourque as your third shooter? What are you trying to please the home crowd? His move was terrible, didn't fool Pavelec at all. This whole Bourque thing kind of feels like a Redsox publicity stunt… ya I said it.
