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    Stanley Cup Champs

    Shawn Thornton on 'Dropping the Gloves', 2 Must See Videos

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         Fan favorite Shawn Thornton joined Mike Felger on 'Sports Tonight', to ask the Big Bad forward some entertaining questions. In fact, Felger blasted the rather comical questions at Thornton, who was up for the challenge.

    Check out the video above to see the interview.

    Okay, to be honest, I just couldn't keep this from you. In fact, although it's dated, it's the better video. Actually, it's probably the best sports talking thing I've ever seen. EVER!!! So, needless to say check it out.

    Thorty says: Comment below to tell us how you would've answered the questions!!
    Follow Cam Hasbrouck on twitter @camhasbrouck , and be sure to follow @bruinslife too!

    CSN. "'Dropping the Gloves' with Shawn Thornton." N.p., n.d. Web. <'Dropping the Gloves' with Shawn Thornton>.

    "Shawn Thornton Held up Best Trophy in Major Sports." Boston Herald. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. <http://bostonherald.com/sports/bruins_nhl/boston_bruins/2011/05/shawn_thornton_held_best_trophy_major_sports>.