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    73% of hockey fan will watch the Bruins battle the Rangers on Black Friday

    Photo via DaysOfYorr.com
    Scott Levesque (@scottlevesque)
    Online Content Editor

    Let’s face it; Black Friday is probably the worst time of year to do just about anything.

    Seriously. Anything.

    An attempt to shop, eat or simply travel from one town to the next is a lot like asking someone to punch you in the throat, repeatedly. One why would you ask someone to do that, and two, are you just a glutton for punishment?

    Yet, I’ve found a small glimmer of hope in a certain fan base. I’m starting to believe that hockey fans are the only sane people on the planet. Discover released a survey last week that reaffirmed my appreciation for this awesome sport and my zany sometimes-questionable behavior.
    Here’s what was said.

    73% of hockey fans will put the shopping bags down on Black Friday to watch the Burins faceoff against the Rangers. Only 11% said they would go shopping and 9% said they would record the game.

    What does this survey mean? Simple. If you’re a hockey fan then it’s your duty to deny those greedy corporate stores the almighty dollar, and instead, give it to your local pizza vendor.

    It’s our responsibility to keep that “special” kind of hockey crazy in the comfortable of our home (or the game) without fear of automobiles, enclosed spaces or sweaty people running around a department store looking for the last ‘Tickle Me Grouch.’

    If you’re looking to watch a great fight between two out-of-control individuals then by all means go shopping on Black Friday.

    If you want to watch a great hockey game against two teams that dislike one another, join the 73% and skip the Black Friday bonanza for the Bruins game.

    Seriously, everybody's doing it. Just ask Discover!

    * I am currently a member of the Discover NHL Thanksgiving Showdown Blogger Program and I am being compensated for my involvement. While Discover provides me material and necessary resources, all statements and sentiment in BruinsLife are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Discover Products, Inc. and its affiliates.